

Sunday, August 10, 2014

The Beginning of the End

Yup, it's definitely that time. People are starting to leave and go back to school, my neighbors are only around for the next two weeks, and I have about seven weeks left. I have mixed feelings about this. On one hand, I'm kind of glad, counting down the days. On the other, I really don't want to leave this amazing place. There is still so much left to explore and I only have eight weekends left to get done what I want to.

In my time here at Glacier, I've realized I need to be constantly stimulated and challenged in my work. The archives have been great, but they've been the same the past three months. I really do like the work, the history, the end cause; I just need a few other projects to keep my mind happy. So, that's why I'm counting down the days. What did help at the end of last week was on Friday when I made it to the 'H' files. The 'H' files are the Park's historical files and documents. This includes all the National Historic Landmark and historic structures paperwork. It also includes correspondence from people whose relatives worked on projects in the Park and want to learn or share some of that history. It's nice to start a new file unit but with that comes the initial confusion figuring out what exactly these files contain and how to organize them. I just have to think, seven more weeks and it will be done. Seven more weeks and not only will I have accomplished my tasks, but I'll have helped get the entire Park central files in order. WOOOOO!

On my weekends, I've been a little more relaxed. Since I had a week of family in town, I needed some city time. I took four days off at the end of July to tour around with my dad and brother. That was amazing. We went up to Waterton Lakes National Park in Canada, hiked to Grinnell Glacier, and explored West Glacier and the North Fork. The Grinnell Glacier hike was long but awesome. We gained 2,000 feet in elevation, climbed through a waterfall, and crossed over countless snow fields. Here are a few photos of our adventures:
Lake McDonald at Apgar!
Hiking Avalanche!
Camden at Avalanche Lake.
Canadian Mounted Police Station, Waterton.
Glacier and Waterton, First International Peace Park
First view into Waterton Lake. 
On the boat to Goat Haunt.
Me and Mt. Campbell!  
Our boat, the International.
Tiny Goat Haunt Lookout Trail.
View from the lookout.
Rainbow Falls in Goat Haunt. 
Prince of Wales Hotel, Waterton.
On the way to Grinnell Glacier, Lake Josephine.
Grinnell Lake and Salamander Glacier.
Almost there! 
Grinnell Glacier!

Grinnell Glacier and Salamander Glacier.

Little Free Library in the North Fork!
I've also been busy with my time house sitting for the Deputy Superintendent. The house is in the valley between Columbia Falls and Kalispell. I like the drive in the morning preparing me for work when before I stepped right outside my front door and was at work. The drive from the valley into Glacier is only about 25 minutes. And what a beautiful drive it is. Every time you come around the last curve in the road, the view opens up and you see the magnificent peaks of Glacier. I love it. Also, I've been spoiled with fast internet, a washer and dryer, cable television, Netflix, and cats. It's nice to be living outside of a one bedroom studio and having animals for a while. I'm grateful for this gig, that's for sure. Plus, the sunsets and sunrises are so pretty.

Valley Sunrise.
So, since I was down in the valley last weekend because house sitting started, Aubrey and I decided to explore Whitefish Lake and Mountain. We rode the ski lift up and enjoyed a view looking into the back of Glacier on one side and into the valley on the other. Spectacular and fun!

Going up!
Looking towards Glacier!
Going down and Whitefish Lake.
This weekend, I just did chores Saturday and went to the movies. I also sat down and planned out everything I still wanted to hike and do and scheduled out my weekends. It seems like another trip to Canada is in store, a trip to Spokane, and a hike to Sperry Chalet/Sperry Glacier. And a friend is coming to visit at the beginning of September! Can't wait! But for now, back to the grind. The 'H' files await.  

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