Only S'more of the Summer. GASP! |
Summer here in Glacier is really short. Like really short. I get why they hire seasonals now. At the end of August it's almost like a light switch gets turned off. It gets quieter and cooler as quickly as it got busy and hot. Nights are getting short fast too. It seems just like yesterday I was going to bed at 10pm with the sun still up. Now, I swear, it gets darker every day five minutes earlier. We're down to 8:20pm. So, yeah, I got that summertime sadness.
I forgot to post last weekend, but I was busy cleaning the house I had been sitting for the past three weeks. It was sad to say goodbye to living space and kitties but good to get back up to my little studio apartment and off the grid. I had mixed feelings. Also, Aubrey and Rishi left. Luckily we had one last BBQ with our Glacier Gang. It was the perfect opening event of the summer and closing event for those leaving.
Last McDonald BBQ. |
I had also gone to the Kalispell Rodeo with a friend and we had a great time looking at all the four H animals and enjoying the lighting from a storm with the fair rides. We're photographers at heart. My friend Kim really is a photographer. At the end of this week, I also had to say goodbye to Kim too. :( I feel like the only one not going back to school.
This weekend I'm relaxing at my Aunt and Uncle's house in Spokane. I had been wanting to visit them for ever on this trip and since Spokane is only about four hours away, I took the long holiday weekend to enjoy some family time. So nice! Andddddd there is sun. Ahhh, Vitamin D.
Spokane! |
Work has been quite eventful. I learned my exact job end date and have already made plans for the drive home. ROAD TRIP! Can't wait. So, for those wondering, my last day working in Glacier is October 19th. I had originally thought I would be finished at the end of September, but since that wouldn't be a full six months, they decided to keep me on an extra few weeks after the fiscal year to finish up the loose ends of the project. Now, I just have to stop myself from starting to bite my nails again at the uncertainty of my job situation after the 20th. I have lots of options, but still not quite sure which one to take, what would be best, and what I really want. We shall see when it all comes together. Fingers crossed that no nail biting will occur.
My archival work has been great! I finally, finally think I grasped the central files and have basically completed the 'H' files. They have been the file group that has made most sense to me. For those who don't remember, the 'H' files are the historical files that include Park history, National Landmark status, historic sites, National Register buildings, archeology, museum collections, and other cultural resources documents. With only a month and a half left, I feel certain I will be able to finish the 'K' files, my last group. The 'Ks' include interpretation documents and include a wide range of informational brochures and library material. It should be another interesting group.
Last week I got to join one of the archeologists on a field day hike. Let's just say, I'm jealous of their job. Most of the sites are out in the back country so they pretty much get paid to travel (hike) and then survey the site, which takes 30 minutes. These guys are fit. We went up to Piegan Pass and had a great day. We walked through alpine meadows and had great views of three glaciers, the back of the Garden Wall, and views down towards the Many Glacier valley. During the day I learned a lot and even found some additional sites that the team didn't know about. I think my day as an honorary archeologist was a success. Here are some photos of our hike:
The beginning! |
Brent and the alpine meadows. |
Indian Paintbrush! Such a pretty pink. |
Piegan Glacier! |
Blackfoot Glacier and Jackson Glacier. |
Almost to the Pass. |
At the Pass (looking at the back of the Garden Wall). Ah-mazing. |
Old bell base. |
For now, it's counting down the weekends to make sure I get every hike and trip I want in and planning for what happens next. Next weekend, a friend from Denver is visiting! Yey, someone is taking advantage of me being in one of the most beautiful places in the US. So until then, I'm enjoying this for the time being: